Diamond Women

Healthy Meals | San Choy Bao Rice Bowl

Every mum needs her village and the village loves a meal roster. This simple, budget friendly, nutritious meal will sustain new mums in those early days...

Published on
15 Aug

We’ve compiled a list of 8 Practical Ways to Really Help New Mums but the one that rates strongest amongst mums is the good, old fashioned meal roster! There are so many ways to do this, but Meal Train takes it to the next level. Enter food preferences, allergies, see what everyone is cooking (nobody wants five lasagnas in a row) and note mum’s ideal delivery time.

In our time of working with new mums, a shared appreciation is receiving a healthy meal that sustains a mum – whether she is breast feeding, bottle feeding, wrangling other children or up a few times through the night with her new babe. A nutritious, easy to eat meal goes far.  

So on that note – enjoy this simple, healthy and budget friendly recipe for a San Choy Bao Rice Bowl. A bit of a twist on the traditional lettuce cups to make sure our new mammas are getting all the energy they need (and a meal that you can eat with one hand!).

This recipe is easily adaptable to allergies and to whatever fresh produce you have in your fridge! Prefer video? You can watch the DW Team make this recipe over on our Instagram.

San Choy Bao Rice Bowl

Preparation and Instructions

  1. Assemble the ingredients from your preferred San Choy Bao recipe. We've listed a few of our faves here:
  2. Set aside containers to deliver the meal to the new mum. You will need containers for the following:
    • Cooked mince ingredients
    • Cooked rice
    • Fresh produce (lettuce cups, shredded carrot, capsicum, herbs etc)
  1. Proceed to cook rice your preferred way. We love a good rice cooker!
  1. While the rice is cooking, follow your favourite San Choy Bao recipe from the recipe list above to cook the mince portion of the dish.
  1. Assemble items into their individual containers and deliver to your beautiful friend!  

Want to make it even more helpful for mum?

  • Deliver the food in containers you’re happy to never see again. Saves mum the arduous task of matching Aunt Betty’s favourite Tupperware to its lid.  
  • Consider mum’s needs when dropping off dinner. Send a text in advance to say, ‘On my way. I’m dropping dinner off. Are you happy for me to leave at the door?’  This alleviates the pressure of mum needing to entertain every person that drops off a meal, or even get dressed. If she’s craving company, it leaves room for her to invite you in.  
  • Consider adding some easy to eat snacks, for those moments mum can't put baby down.

And thank you for playing your part in the village.  

Life is richer in community.

The DW Team xo  

Any questions? Feel free to call us.
1300 851 592