Our Support Services


Our model of care is grounded in evidence-based best practice with an emphasis on perinatal mental health and female empowerment.


Worried about an unplanned pregnancy?

We provide registered counsellors who are committed to providing clarity and comfort during difficult times and are there to support you throughout your journey.

Our professional counsellors are passionate about providing excellent client care. Throughout all our pregnancy counselling services we hold the utmost respect for your culture, beliefs, background and life journey. We seek to be warm and non-judgemental, to listen well and provide direction, and empower you to make changes and reach your goals.

All of our services are available at no cost. We can provide you with a scheduled appointment for pregnancy counselling either in-person or over the phone. Call our pregnancy hotline or book an appointment online.

Unexpected pregnancy?
You have options.

Abortion icon


There is a lot of information available to you about abortion, our qualified and experienced counsellors can help make sense of it all in a judgement free appointment so you can be informed and empowered in your decision. We also offer ongoing one on one counselling regardless of the outcome.

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Adoption has changed dramatically over the years, and you now get to be in control of the entire process. With one of our counsellors, you will be informed of all that is involved along with  the support available to help make sense of it all so you can know if its the right decision for you.

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Diamond offers comprehensive support to women who choose to become mothers. Our team will partner with you through counselling, mentoring, material goods and community programs to equip you with the necessary tools for motherhood whilst also connecting with other mums within the Diamond Community.

Learn your options, and get support. All without judgement.
