Mentors exist to bridge the gap between referral partners and counsellors by providing one-on-one support to clients in a safe and unintimidating manner.

What is a mentor, you ask?
Each one of our mentors is trained in-house before being paired with a client—a ‘mentee.’ As experienced mums themselves, mentors walk alongside a mentee’s perinatal journey with knowledge, skills and encouragement.
Mentoring is multi-faceted; it can be formal or informal and may change and evolve as the needs of the mentee change. A mentor can be a role model, a pregnancy coach, a sounding board, a voice of reason, and a trusted resource. Mentors care and assure their mentee that they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges. They help them believe that they matter.
Whether it's catching up over coffee to share pregnancy advice, or waiting outside whilst the client is in a job interview, mentors are a companion who really understands what it is to walk the journey of motherhood.