What's The Best Thing About Being A Dad?
In honour of Father's Day this year, we asked a bunch of our Diamond men—what's the best thing about being a Dad?

We asked a bunch of our Diamond men—what's the best thing about being a Dad? Here are their responses...
“Playing with the kids. I get to be a kid again while seeing their little faces light up with joy.”
"You have a little kid who you get to show all the wonders of the world and they are genuinely excited about it. I could say, 'Hey kid, look at that kookaburra—it likes to eat snakes.' And my daughter will spend the next 10 minutes mesmerised, hoping to catch a glimpse of it eating a reptile."
"You have someone to tell that chocolate milk comes from brown cows."
"You have these people who love and admire you, despite who you are."
"Unconditional love, being a role model, listening to your kids and hearing their stories."
"Getting a front row seat to watch lives being formed in front of you."
"Watching them push through themselves through challenges to achieve something they once believed they couldn't."
"It's only me who is their Dad. What else has this world to offer but your own children? Playing and travelling with them and having fun together as a family. When you sit around the table, and chat about everyday things. I am so proud of my sons and daughters."
"The best thing about being a Dad is the privilege of having a role in your child's life journey. Shared experiences, happy and sad, intentional rituals that bond you together, and precious memories that stay close to your heart forever."
"The best thing about being a Dad is the opportunity to encourage, support and build up my children. To see their excitement when arriving home from a long days work and seeing them learn and experience new things are a few of the things that make it so awesome being a Dad."
"The best thing about being a Dad is being able to provide an environment of love, a doorway to adventure, and a relationship of trust and forgiveness. I love being able to share my mistakes and offer my 'learned wisdom' to help my children avoid making those same mistakes. There is nothing better than having your children jump into your arms from eight stairs high, knowing you'd never let them fall."
"Fatherhood enabled me to love unconditionally, to truly sacrifice for the good of another. Only a parent could possibly understand the depth of love established. Unexplainable love!"
"The best thing is seeing my children grow up and develop into unique individuals with the values and principles we believe in as a family. I also enjoy spending time with my kids one-on-one and building a relationship with them in which they can be themselves and feel free to share the more difficult thing in their lives. And last but not least the boys' activities like boating, camping and fishing!"
"One of my favourite would be there's something about my son that always brings me joy. Coming home to him after a not so great day can completely change your attitude. I love being a Dad!"
"The best thing about being a dad is the joy of: Seeing that helpless little life come into the world and holding your baby for the first time. Watching your sons grow up from being totally dependant on you, to totally independent, and then still wanting to hang out with their dad and share their lives with you."
To all the Dads—wishing you a very happy Father's Day!